The ‘Dirty Secret’ Behind the World’s #1 Dunker…

First of All, I Should Probably Introduce Myself…

My name is Adam Folker.

I used to play NCAA Division I basketball at University of California Irvine…

And later went on to play in the pros…

See I’ve traveled all around the world and played basketball against some of the best players you can imagine…

So trust me when I say –

Being an explosive player with a high vertical is not optional…


I’m only telling you this because I used to think I could get by on my height alone…

Until life pitched me a quick curveball… and all I can say is…

If it weren’t for the 3 steps in the VERT SHOCK system, which I’m about to share with you, I would never be where I am now.

Kobe Bryant & Adam Folker



During the first 7 days of VERT SHOCK you will be introducing your body to the unique movement patterns and exercises of the program.

And I don’t want that to sound intimidating at all…

It’s not hard on your joints… it’s no more demanding than playing in a pick up basketball game or anything else you’ve probably tried.

In fact, it’s probably a lot easier. Remember, we’re going to be working SMART not hard.

Everything I’m going to be introducing you to is centered around unique jumping exercises combined with precise sets and reps.

This first step is called ‘The Pre-Shock’ phase and it’s designed to get your body ready to fly.

You will train 4 days this week for 30 minutes per session.



Step 2 of VERT SHOCK training is designed to really push the limits.
Here we ‘shock’ your body into jumping higher than you ever thought possible.

This is where the real magic happens.

You will train on average just 3 days per week…

For a total of 40 minutes per session.

Each of your movements will carefully target those neglected elastic fibers.

It is important that you explode on every jump during this phase of the program…

…this is how you consistently reach your MAX vertical jump velocity and strengthen those elastic fibers.

After these 6 weeks you will be leaping higher than all your friends ever thought possible.



The final phase of the program is the ‘The Post-Shock Phase’.
Think of this as the icing on top…

Where everything your body ‘learned’ in steps 1 and 2 becomes cemented in your muscle memory

Ready to be called on at any time so that you can rise up and throw down massive rim-rocking dunks on command.

You will train 4 days this week for an approx. 30 minutes per session.

We back off the intensity this week and allow your body to unleash a FURY of vertical jump potential.

This is the most exciting time of the program…

You will feel much lighter and springier on your feet…

Your strengthened elastic fibers will make it feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

VERT SHOCK is The Only Proven System of Its Kind…

I’ve already shown you dozens of 8-week dunk transformations from some of our members inside.


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You get 11 Free Bonuses When You Try VERT SHOCK Today!


The 4 Vertical Jump Killers

$17 Value



The 5 Dirty Secrets to Jumping Higher

$29 Value



Weekly Check-Ins

$49 Value



The Jumper’s Diet Checklist

$19 Value



NBA Jump Secrets Revealed

$59 Value



The 'Power Leak Fix' for Overnight Hops

$25 Value



Olympic High Jump Hacks Revealed

$25 Value



The Slingshot Secret to Instantly Jump Higher

$25 Value



The VERT SHOCK Maintenance Program

$39 Value



The ‘Dunk Now’ Visualization Workout

$26 Value



The VERT SHOCK Vert Tracker Workbook

$17 Value


That’s over $330 in FREE bonuses.

But when you agree to try VERT SHOCK right now, you won’t pay anywhere near that…

Because I really want to give you the best deal possible.

But when we’re dealing with something as special as Dr. V’s dunking secrets, I can’t just give this information out to everyone.

And if I set a low price tag on VERT SHOCK, guess what?

Everyone would buy it.

That devalues the information…

And the next thing you know, all of these fake YouTubers, which you already know I hate, would take the whole VERT SHOCK system…

…Put it on their channel and make advertising money off my research and PROVEN methods.

I’ve seen it happen before.  And I’m not gonna let it happen to me.

Because everyone who’s already joined VERT SHOCK would be pissed.

I don’t want tons of mad dunkers sending me angry emails…

I’d rather have a select few very, very happy (and skilled!) dunkers inside the program.

With that in mind, I'm keeping distribution of VERT SHOCK as small as possible, and ultimately protected from the masses.

That’s why I have to keep my prices relatively high…

So I hope you understand why the published price of VERT SHOCK will soon cost you $138.

Now considering how much this system can affect your vertical…

At least 9-15+ inches in under 8 weeks…
Plus, the $330 in free bonuses…

Oh and one more thing…

But I can only 100% promise this if you sign up today.


Jump Like Justin System

$97.00 Value

If you try VERT SHOCK today, Justin’s authorized me to give you access to this rare jump course…
Inside he reveals ALL of his top secrets to throwing down massive, contest winning dunks.
It’s a full course filled with videos and training manuals detailing all of Justin’s juiciest dunk secrets laid out in step-by-step modules so that you can quickly install them into your hops.

But like I said, this bonus will not last forever…

I can only promise you free access if you buy VERT SHOCK today.

And here’s the part you’re going to love…

VERT SHOCK is a One-of-a-Kind Program

Look, I just want this to be the easiest decision you’ll ever make.

I’ve told you that by implementing the techniques you’ll find inside VERT SHOCK you can easily expect to improve your vertical by 9–15+ inches in the next 8 weeks.

And because I want you to make this decision today…

I’m going to give you a once-in-a-lifetime offer that sets you up for life-changing dunks through this one-of-a-kind program.

If you sign up for a risk-free trial of VERT SHOCK today, I’ll knock 50% off the listed price.

That means you’ll get instant access to everything inside the VERT SHOCK system.

AND I’ll send you EVERYTHING else I just told you about all for the low, low price of only $67.
That’s over $427 in value for just a fraction of the price.


And I’m so confident that VERT SHOCK is going to have you dunking in 60 days or less that I’m going to put my money where my mouth is.

So if you go through this program and you absolutely CANNOT dunk in the next 8 weeks (that hardly ever happens by the way).

I will send you a 100% refund.

No questions asked.

All you need to do is send me a quick email with the subject line ‘Refund Request’… and the money’s yours.

There’s nothing to lose.

So what do you think…

Is $67 worth the life-changing opportunity to finally dunk a basketball?

“The Worst Decision Is No Decision”

Get Instant Access to VERT SHOCK

Plus 11 Bonus Modules (Total Value: $427)



After ordering Vert Shock you will be emailed your username/password to log into the members only portal. Inside you will be able to access the complete Vert Shock program along with all of the bonuses and Jump Like Justin free bonus course. You can access the members portal on any device connected to the internet!

Vert Shock uses strategic exercises and set/rep combinations to target your elastic muscle fibers. This produces explosive gains in your vertical jump.

No. Vert Shock does NOT require any equipment or access to a gym. You can do the program at home.

Yes. Vert Shock does not use any heavy weight lifting so it will not stunt your growth. Vert Shock is safe for all ages. Of course you should check with your doctor before doing any physical exercise.

After ordering Vert Shock today you will be locked in and have lifetime access to the program. You Vert Shock program does not expire and you can log in as many times as you want.

Yes, and you will get the same if not better results even though you are training in-season. The intermittent training schedule allows for you to plan your workouts around practice times.

Nope. In fact, you are the exact type of person who will see get the biggest jump gains from this program. You have so much room for improvement that just a few tweaks will see you gaining many inches very quickly.

After you purchase you will instantly be given a login to the members only site. Here you will be able to read and post in the private forum as well as ask me any questions you may have.

No. We’ve designed this program for busy people like us so you only need less than an hour max 4 times per week to get all the results from it.

Vert Shock is a digital, online membership site meaning you get instant access to all the materials and videos the second you join, even if its 4am. Since there’s nothing to mail and no physical books etc, we can keep our program really affordable, saving you a ton of money for all this cutting-edge training.

Vert Shock is safe and works for all ages and levels. The program requires no weights or special equipment and can be done at home. Exercise videos of each movement are included so there is no prior workout experience needed.

Yes, but not as much as say, a newbie obviously. You’ll still be able to add a few inches to your hops without much trouble though.

It’s called Clickbank and it’s responsible for millions of transactions per month with the latest security in place. We trust them wholeheartedly and have never had any issues at all.

We were very careful about who we decided to work with and these guys are the best, hands down. You have nothing to fear whatsoever and if you’re still nervous about it, feel free to pay with Paypal. We accept both Paypal and credit cards.

Yes! If you would like to get in touch with any of the athletes that provided testimonials just ask!


Disclaimer: Consult a physician and follow all safety instructions. Every effort has been made to accurately represent the potential of this training. Results are not typical, and only represent players who worked very hard. Of course, no guarantee can be made for every single player.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
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